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My Resume

PLEASE NOTE: The existence of this page doesn't mean that I'm looking for work. In fact, at the time of writing I'm quite happily employed! I'm making this as an exercise to keep my development skills in practice.

I have years of industry experience as a full stack developer in the web world. I'm passionate about creating sublime user experiences no matter which part of an application I work on. I've worked closely with accessibilty experts to develop applications that can meet the unique needs of any user. On top of that, working on a large breadth of projects has cultivated an adaptability like no other. I love solving hard problems with simple, elegant solutions.


ask nicely :^)


React, JavaScript, CSS, Next.js
Node.js, AWS, Lerna, Storybook, Jest, SEO, Internationalization
GraphQL, Relay, React Native


Senior Frontend Developer (Team Lead)

XE.comJan 2016 – April 2021

I started as a co-op student at XE.com and worked my way up to a senior developer and team lead over the years. My duties at XE.com were vast and rich. Highlights include:

  • Modernized and maintained XE.com's main website 

    Transformed the XE.com main website from a PHP + Apache stack into a full React JS application (using Next.js). Features include: internationalization, Next JS API endpoints, fully cached behind a CDN to handle almost 100 million visits per month.

  • Developed and maintained XE's React component library

    A monorepo full of reusable React components, hooks, and indispensable JavaScript utilities. All components are crafted with care to maximize accessibility, browser compatibility, and performance. Managed with modern tools such as Lerna, Storybook, and Jest.

  • Created the XE Blog, backed by Contentful CMS 

    Publish and manage blog posts on xe.com with a simple workflow that lives in Contentful. Blog post objects in the CMS are integrated with Next.js and rendered using the xe.com React component library.

  • Developed the UI for XE's single sign-on implementation

    Lightweight, themeable single-page application using React Router. Express webserver backend, integrated with AWS Cognito to provide user authentication.

  • Developed XE.com's currency newsletter 

    Automated daily email campaigns that sent currency rates for a user's favourite currencies integrated infrastructure-free through Iterable


Bachelor of Computer Science (Co-operative Program)

University of WaterlooSept 2012 – June 2017

Major in Computer Science, minor is Psychology. Graduated with distinction (Dean's Honour List).

This was among the first pages that I developed on this website. It was a very good motivator for building parts of my design system, namely the typography and spacing. The bordered containers that you see on the page were also a fun addition. Print and PDF versions of this page hopefully coming soon!